
God eater 2 review steam
God eater 2 review steam

god eater 2 review steam

It doesn’t help that when parts of the story isn’t voice acted when you expect it to really throw out my immersion and that some of the voice acting (whilst really solid and for the most part pretty faultless from the main cast), it takes some cringy phases that make me wish that the Japanese voice was included to help stop some these elements by removing certain accents. This is really helped with the characters in GE2RB being unique in their own rights and whilst at times come off really corny with some of the writing. I won’t get into it too deeply, but the writing definitely gave me the odd surprise here and there with how it’s progressing. The writing is really solid, doing what it needs to help propel the plot forward (ahem). You know a game's great when you spend more than 10 minutes designing your avatarīut what makes a great JRPG is music, writing and characters GE2RB delivers on these fronts thereabouts, slightly meandering at certain points. This works both ways, but for the main story component this can make certain fights feel trivial and whilst your squad members don’t deal significant damage to the enemy, their support can prove advantageous with stunning, trapping and healing when your health runs low. From the looks of it allowing you to effectively respawn 10 times with each squad member being able to do the same.

god eater 2 review steam

By quite a stretch, GE2RB is really forgiving towards the player with the ability to have a squad a quick respawn if you are to fall, the game pushes you back into the core combat with little hesitation. The core meat of the gameplay is fast paced and depending on the play style will depend on the skill level required to be really effective in battle with precise and concise strikes being the toughest but rewards with higher damage output.

god eater 2 review steam

I indulged myself with the Short Blade since I enjoyed the short bursts of combos and rapid fire approach of the Assault Gun, but having tried the different weapons and combinations there’s bound to be a playstyle that will suit your needs. Along with your ranged weapon in the form of Sniper Gun, Assault Gun, Blast Gun and Shotgun type guns. Once the tutorial’s done, the game’s difficult doesn’t amp up or be a dulcet slog but keeps a nice pace allowing you to adjust and change weapons to suit your playstyle with the six weapon types: Short Blade, Long Blade, Buster Blade, Boost Hammer, Charge Spear and (the newest weapon) Variant Scythe. Rage Burst is set after the Anime, so play resurrection first if you don't want spoilers.įrom the get go the game gives you a simple but effective tutorial that opens up the core mechanics of the game as well the core premise: hitting things hard and fast until it dies. Operating under Friar a subsection of Fenrir, you face the plight of new Aragami threat in the form of the red nimbus and the all consuming Black Plague. You act as the vice captain under Julius, leading your slightly ragtag squad of Nana, Romeo, Gilbert and Ciel to defend reaming human settlements referred as Branches and Satellites.

god eater 2 review steam

Recently transferred to Blood, an elite taskforce meant to deal with the all consuming plague of Aragami that seek to devour the remaining humans alive. Really, this a game which is such a stand out for not being too Japanese for a role playing game.

God eater 2 review steam Pc#

God Eater 2 Rage Burst ( GE2RB ) is quite possibly the next best thing we’ll get to having Monster Hunter on the PC (unless you play in China), but then that’s only because of the monster behemoths of boss like proportion monsters you hunt down make better and cooler weapons which you’ll expand over time. Reviews // 14th Sep 2016 - 5 years ago // By Owen Chan God Eater 2 Rage Burst Review

God eater 2 review steam